Natasha Wing



Natasha Wing has been publishing for more than 30 years (cue crowd cheer!) She is the best-selling author of the popular Night Before series (33 titles with more on the way). The rhyming series includes holidays, school themes, and big events in kids' lives. Natasha also writes biographies, silly fiction and joke books. She lives in Fort Collins, Colorado but can visit schools across America via the magic of the internet.

School Visit Topics & Activities

Show-and-tell format where I'll share my journey as a writer - the coming up with ideas, inspirations from childhood, brainstorming, revisions, through to the finished book - with examples from select books. I have book topics for each month of the school year, so I am flexible with the presentation focus. I love Q&A time, too! I'll even answer the question: "How old are you?"


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